Collaborative Workspace

The Foundation provides safe and affordable workspace in our national offices for activist tenants and visitors. The communal space is available for meetings, trainings, events, joint organizing projects and, of course, sharing ideas.

Association of Filipinas, Feminists Fighting Imperialism, Re-feudalization, and Marginalization (AF3IRM) New York/New Jersey is the local chapter of AF3IRM, a transnational, feminist, anti-imperialist organization doing educational work, grassroots organizing and advocacy around social justice issues. AF3IRM has been a tenant since 2014.

Deep Dish TV (, a Muste tenant since 1990, links independent videomakers and activists with local television access producers in a progressive national satellite network, educating and mobilizing the public through creative TV.

Granny Peace Brigade ( uses creative tactics to educate the public about the threat and cost of war.

Metropolitan Council on Housing ( is a citywide organization fighting for the rights of tenants since 1952. Met Council has been a Muste tenant since 2001.

New York City Organizing Project (NYCORG) of New York State United Teachers ( organizes new union locals, mostly in the private sector and primarily in higher education and other educational non-profits. NYCOR has been a tenant since 2011.

New York State Youth Leadership Council ( is a statewide undocumented-youth-led organization that works on improving access to higher education and creating equal opportunity for immigrant youth and children of immigrants, regardless of immigration status, through leadership development, organizing and advocacy. NYSYLC has been a tenant since 2011.

Paper Tiger TV (, a volunteer video collective founded in 1981 to challenge and expose the corporate control of mainstream media, has been a Muste tenant since 1986.

Parole Preparation Project ( collaborates with and advocates for parole-eligible people serving life sentences in New York State prisons. It trains volunteers to work alongside parole applicants, many of whom have spent decades in prison and have been repeatedly denied parole, despite their eligibility for release. PPP has been a tenant since 2017.

Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP) ( is a statewide coalition with the mission of releasing elders from the prison system. A tenant since 2017, RAPP advocates for fair, evidence-based parole practices and the expanded use of executive clemency and compassionate release.

Socialist Party USA (, founded in 1901 and a Muste Institute tenant since 1998, carries out educational work and organizing geared toward building a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control.

War Resisters League (, founded in 1923, seeks to end war and injustice through nonviolent education and action. WRL bought 339 Lafayette Street in 1969 and sold it to the Muste Institute in 1978.