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Internship and Other Funds

Internship Funds

Freeman Internship Endowment
The Harrop A. and Ruth S. Freeman Peace Internship Endowment was created in 1996 by a bequest from life-long peace activists Ruth and Harrop Freeman to provide stipends to interns in the War Resisters League’s national office. The Freemans were close personal associates of A.J. Muste, and Harrop — a radical lawyer and World War II conscientious objector — was one of the founding board members of the Muste Foundation. More Information.

Sara Ann Bilezikian Peace Internship Endowment
The Sara Ann Bilezikian Peace Internship Endowment was created in 2011 by a gift from Sophie and John Bilezikian in honor of their daughter's legacy of social justice action. Sara Bilezikian was a Freeman intern at the War Resisters League in 1998; she died in 2002. More Information.

Other Funds

The Muste Foundation is happy to work with donors to build our existing funds or establish new ones: contact Heidi Boghosian at 212-533-4335 or [email protected] to find out how you can extend your support for nonviolent groups and projects within a convenient and flexible framework. Grants can be made to groups located anywhere in the world, whether or not they have a fiscal sponsor or tax-exempt charitable status.