Social Justice Fund Grants from our Spring 2024 Cycle
Grant Year: 2024
About Face: Veterans Against the War (formerly IVAW)
We are Post-9/11 service members and veterans organizing to end a foreign policy of permanent war and the use of military weapons, tactics, and values in communities across the country. As people intimately familiar with the inner workings of the world’s largest military, we use our knowledge and experiences to expose the truth about these conflicts overseas and the growing militarization in the United States.
Alianza Agricola
Alianza Agrícola is a member-led organization of immigrant farmworker leaders in the Western and Finger Lakes regions of New York. Our group was formed to create a better future for NY’s migrant farmworker families and communities. Members of Alianza Agrícola are empowered to advocate for our own good and develop and improve our leadership skills. Members participate in efforts to educate the community about farmworkers and our work in this region. We are supported by groups of allies as well as individuals who fight alongside us for justice for the immigrant farmworker community.
Arkansas Community Organizations
Arkansas Renters United was founded in the summer of 2018. Since that time, we have organized renter groups in three cities in Arkansas. Our project will help accelerate the growth of our renters movement in the state and build a strong cadre of renter leaders. This will enable us to win more rights for renters in the state and help us work with national groups to win federal legislation that gives more rights and protections for renters and a major investment in new housing that stays affordable, safe and green. We will achieve these goals through outreach and direct action campaigns.
The Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercises are the largest joint war exercises in the world, conducted biannually in Hawai'i. The US uses RIMPAC to strengthen the abilities of 26 of its allies’ militaries to wage wars of aggression around the world, as threats of war between major military powers continue to rise. Through weapons testing and war-making, defense contractors and fossil fuel corporations reap hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. The US military occupation of Hawai'i is a violation of native Hawaiian sovereignty and turns Hawai'i into a place where “future wars are in develo
Decarcerate KC
Decarcerate KC aims to raise awareness, build power, and create change around issues of incarceration and policing in Kansas City. We are a multiracial, multigenerational organization that centers those impacted by incarceration and policing in order to end the reliance on incarceration and policing and build a safer Kansas City for all.
Democracy Trailblazers
The Democracy Trailblazers Ambassador Program offers an immersive school season experience combining training, mentorship, and networking opportunities for high school students aged 16-18. This program is designed to deepen students' understanding of the democratic process and highlight the critical importance of voting, especially in underserved communities. Students will create sustainable civic engagement teams in their school and trained on community organizing in the community they live in. Goal is engaging young people early in the electoral process.
Impact Appalachia
At Impact Appalachia it is our mission to build power through ground to root community organizing in the Greater Ohio Appalachian region. We are about bringing positive change and stability through social justice initiatives, leadership development, and voter engagement.
Interfaith Peace-Builders DBA Eyewitness Palestine
Since 202
The current situation in Palestine has increased the need and demand for education around Palestine, history and current. Directly impacted individuals are seeking ways to get information and get involved. Our programming brings Palestinian voices directly from the ground to people's computers, countering the misinformation from the mainstream media. We provide an online platform at a moment where the censoring of journalists is at an all-time high and travel for our delegations is precarious. We are seeking funding for virtual delegations as well as our "Gaza Speaks Out" series.
Meaningful Movies Project
The Meaningful Movies Project (MMP) is a non-profit organization that assists neighborhoods, groups and individuals, organize, educate and advocate using the power of social justice documentary film and relevant conversation to build positive and meaningful community and a more just and peaceful world. It is the organizing arm of the Meaningful Movies Network, a collective of autonomous neighborhood and community Meaningful Movies groups that have agreed to work together and support one another to meet these ends.
Movement for Justice in El Barrio
Movement for Justice in El Barrio is a majority-immigrant women community organization based in in East Harlem, NYC, that fights for immigrant justice, housing justice and gender justice and, following our unique model, consistently challenges multiple forms of oppression, including xenophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, and homophobia. The organization expanded to address the devastating health & economic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Newtown Florist Club Inc.
ReCONNECT US is a community organizing capacity building project designed to organize inside twelve marginalized communities facing the decentralizing impact of gentrification. Using a neighborhood response strategy to strengthen local coalition building efforts by organizing inside communities we will incorporate skills and capacity building using a “boots on the ground” approach inside neighborhoods. Our plan of action for building this strong, lasting neighborhood response team model has four main components: relationship building, multi-issue organizing, training grassroots leaders, social
Nikkei Progressives
This video project aims to educate people about the discriminatory double-punishment that refugees face in the justice system, activate the community through screenings and organizing sessions, and advocate for the thousands of refugee prisoners who are risk for similar deportation.
Phoeun You came to the U.S. as a Cambodian refugee when he was 4 years old. He committed a crime and served 27 years in prison. During his incarceration, he turned his life around, and committed his life to Restorative Justice. But when he was released, he was transferred to ICE, and deported.
Northern Alabama School for Organizers
The North Alabama School for Organizers (NASO) seeks to empower communities through intersectional education and training to form coalitions that take progressive actions toward progressive change.
Occupied People's Forum
In 2024, the OPF will focus on the exchange of strategies of resistance and methods for mobilizing civil society to achieve self-determination. The 2024/2025 Occupied People's Gathering will give leading activists the opportunity to reflect on their struggles, explore commonalities, and build new methods of resistance. This grant will cover funding for the educational materials distributed before, during, and after the 2024/2025 Occupied People's Gathering to ensure a deeply strategic exchange, sharing best practices and challenges to current movements for justice, freedom, and human rights.
One Community United
To seek racial harmony and the melding of distinct and separate communities into a more united community. We seek a community where peace and harmony prevail and fear and mistrust are dispelled. To be a source of information and outreach to our communities through community events, dialogue and communications leading to improved relationships between communities and educational programs within communities.
Philly Black Worker Project
The Philly Black Worker Project's mission is to (1) to lead and engage in campaigns that empower marginalized Black workers to advance their rights and improve the quality of jobs in key employment sectors; (2) to provide education about the impacts of low-wage work and unemployment on Black communities; and (3) to prevent all forms of discrimination against all Black workers in hiring and other employment practices and policies and (4) to connect people to resources that can help them overcome barriers to high quality employment.
Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities
Project YANO’s mission is to address the socio-economic factors that make racialized and low-income youth vulnerable to recruitment and militarization by facilitating greater grassroots youth activism around issues that directly affect them. We seek to increase student awareness of the realities of war and how the war machine intersects with other structures of violence and oppression domestically and abroad. We also work to inform young people about non-military college and career alternatives through veteran volunteers, classroom presentations, and other outreach opportunities.
SouthEast Dignity Not Detention Coalition
Our overall goal is to build the power needed to overcome the challenges of our location in the deep south, in states that are deeply historically invested in white supremacy and carceral systems and currently under extreme right wing political leadership, in order to win successful shut down campaigns against ICE. In this phase, we will focus on leadership development of immigrants who were formally detained, developing rapid response capacity to support currently detained immigrant organizers, and strengthening partnerships in order to move targeted elected officials to active engagement.
Stop Forever WIPP Coalition
SFW Coalition works to resist the ongoing nuclear military complex’s colonization of NM. Linking proposed fabrication of the next generation of nuclear weapons triggers (pits) to the expansion of waste disposal at WIPP, is key to protecting our majority minority communities. Facing a plethora of DOE proposals, we are building on past victories with a series of statewide strategic events, actions, and the dissemination of easy to understand materials, to create an upwelling of grassroots activity to stop the environmental injustice of using NM as national, military, nuclear sacrifice area.
Twin Cities Nonviolent
The Mission of Twin Cities Nonviolent is to reduce violence in all its forms, increase awareness and engagement in nonviolent policies and practices, bring together local community organizations, including nonprofits, religious institutions, educational institutions, and government agencies and dismantle the structures and systems that lead to violence throughout the Twin Cities and beyond.
We envision a Twin Cities community that is free from violence.
United Interfaith Action of Southeastern Massachusetts
United Interfaith Action of Southeastern MA (UIA) is a faith & values-based community organization founded in 1996 addressing economic and racial justice. UIA organizes at the grassroots level to win positive change for low to moderate-income individuals and families in New Bedford & Fall River. UIA reaches across ethnic, socio-economic, and religious lines to train community members in the skills of community organizing to build relationships, identify common concerns, craft action campaigns, and win concrete changes in laws, policies, and budgetary appropriations locally & statewide.
W.E.B. Du Bois Movement School for Abolition & Reconstruction
The W.E.B. Du Bois Movement School teaches aspiring organizers how to understand the world and how to change it. By providing movement leaders from those communities most impacted by poverty, policing, and mass incarceration—primarily young and formerly incarcerated people—with a strong grounding in the theory and practice of of social change, we build their capacity as individual organizers, strengthen the organizations they participate in, and help shift prevailing narratives about abolition and the urgent need for a broader process of social reconstruction.
Western Regional Advocacy Project
WRAP was created to expose and eliminate the root causes of civil and human rights abuses of people experiencing poverty and homelessness in our communities.
Youth Justice and Power Union
Youth Justice and Power Union (YJPU) will work to build popular understanding and power about ending state violence and investing in Black and Brown communities, with a primary focus on divesting from Boston police and additional awareness-building around US militarism broadly. YJPU will strengthen systems for deepening people’s engagement and analysis through outreach, community and member events, trainings, and retreats. This basebuilding will complement YJPU’s overall work supporting core leaders, pressuring officials with meetings and actions, and collaborating with partners.